If you are a Landlord you are obliged to report any income from your property to HM Revenue & Customs on a Self-Assessment income tax return.
When the new Making Tax Digital (MTD) tax regime starts in 2023/24 this reporting will become much more onerous making this the ideal time to appoint Accounts Action as your accountant to take the sting out of meeting your obligations.
When you sell a property that has been let you will also need to consider whether you may need to pay some capital gains tax on its increase in value.
We have plenty of experience looking after our landlord client’s tax obligations as well as advising on more strategic concerns such as longer-term tax planning and advising of the best ways of owning your property portfolio, such as purchasing properties in family investment companies to mitigate your personal tax and preserve wealth for future generations.
Our friendly team are on hand to advise on every aspect of Landlord taxation, from advising of the best ownership structure to making sure you will be compliant for the impending new tax regime.
Our services aim to ease the burden of additional paperwork and form-filling, and as your agents for tax, we can deal with HM Revenue and Customs directly on your behalf and thus deal with any issues that may arise swiftly and efficiently. Our aim is to keep your accountancy matters in hand, so that you can concentrate on your job and your business.