Imminent new Locum zero-hour contracts becoming available in next few days to fix ‘Death-in-Service’ issue.
Locum GP’s have been fundamental in the operation of GP surgeries for a long time, however the current pandemic has highlighted an issue that has been in the news since 2014, following a case where the high court rejected an appeal by the BMA on behalf of a Locum GP who sadly passed away on a day she was not contracted to work and as a result the GP was denied death-in-service benefits for her family from the NHS
During the current pandemic, Locum doctors are in the front line and putting themselves at risk of contracting Covid-19 whilst in a position where if the worst should happen their loved ones will not be protected in the same way as their Principal, salaried or hospital peers are.
However, the NHS has now stepped in and it is understood that details are imminently being released of an agreement under which locum GP’s will be employed under a Zero-Hour contract that will entitle them to the same death-in-service benefits as any other GP. This agreement is believed to involve Locum GP’s being employed by a central NHS body.
How this will affect the current locum arrangement is currently not known, however I will update readers on how this will affect NHS pensions and employment status etc. when more details become available.
Locums make up at least 20% of GP’s in the UK and many have expressed concerns over taking on additional sessions during the current crisis due to this issue. It is now hoped that this will alleviate these worries and allow locum GP’s to concentrate on the immediate job in hand. It is also unclear at present whether this arrangement is to be used just during the covid-19 outbreak or if it will become permanent.
Before this announcement, the National Association of GP’s said that ‘Locums have been the cement holding general practice together and that ‘it would morally unforgivable to fail to provide assurance to locum GP’s during the COVID-19 outbreak’.